City of Yerington Nevada

Water and Sewer Connection Information

Last Update: 09/2022 REV B

Original Webpage: 08/2018 Update A: 09/2018 Update B: 09/2022

All Forms:

Meter Location Approval Form
Current Fee Schedule, R29, 08/22/2022
Most Current Part Prices, FY22-23
New Connect Application

General Overview:

The City of Yerington provides water and sewer service to residential and commercial customers in The City of Yerington and portions of the Mason Valley in Lyon County Nevada. All costs for connection to the City water and sewer systems are the responsibility of the applicant.

NEW: Water Meter Location Approval Form Required:

We now require written approval prior to water meter installation from the customer. Please submit THIS FORM prior to service installation.

Connection Costs - Materials:

Most Current Part Prices, FY22-23

City Fee Schedule - Revision 29:

Current Fee Schedule, R29, 08/22/2022

Will Serve Letter:

The process of requesting a water connection from the City of Yerington starts with a Will Serve Letter. This letter is provided to you by the City at no cost and will determine if the parcel in question is physically located close enough to the existing City system (both in distance and cost) to be connected. The letter is valid for six months after the date of issue. A copy of the letter will be emailed to the requestor and a copy will be mailed to the property owner listed with the Lyon County Assessor. To request a Will Serve Letter please email your name, address and APN to or write to:

City of Yerington Public Works
14 E Goldfield Avenue
Yerington, NV 89447

Will Serve Letters will be issued within 14 days of your request.

Will Not Serve Letter: AKA: Hardship Letter, etc.

Request a Will Not Serve Letter when applying to the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) for permission to drill, deepen or repair a domestic well. This letter is typically requested from the City by your well drilling contractor to allow the work to proceed.

Water Connection Fees:

  1. Privledge to Connect: This is a one time charge based on the size of the connection you are requesting. The Privledge to Connect fee is intended to offset the cost of adding your property to the water distribution and treatment system. This fee is set by the Yerington City Council and is non-negotiable on services 4" in diameter and below.
  2. Water Rights: For a typical residential connection this will be a one time fee of $1000.00 for 1 AFA (acre ft annually). For commercial customers more water may be required and this fee will be calculated by the City Engineer.
  3. Installation Fees: The City (or a qualified contractor inspected by the City) will install the water service from the water main to (and including) the meter pit. The owner will be responsible for the connection from the meter pit to the structure.
  4. Pressure Reducing Valve: Some of the service areas may require installation of a pressure reducing valve. This equipment will be installed near the meter pit by the City at additional cost.
  5. Labor and Road Repair: The City charges a nominal rate for labor. Should a contractor be required to make the connection the owner will pay them directly. Road repair costs tend to vary.

Water Application:

To apply for water (and/or sewer) service please complete a New Connect Application. This document contains a number of options including service type, size of water meter requested, etc.

New Connect Agreement

After you have submitted a New Connect Application the City will return a New Connect Agreement via mail or email. This document will list all fees associated with your application. Please allow ten (10) days for this document to be issued. No work will begin until all fees have been paid. Payment plans are not available.

Fee Negotiation

The only fees that are negotible are the Privledge to Connect fees associated with 5" or larger services. All other fees are fixed by the City Council and cannot be adjusted.

Additional Construction Notes:

  1. Road Repair: Only roads owned by the City of Yerington or Lyon County may be cut and trenched for service installation. State Highways cannot be trenched. The roads must be repaired using hot mix asphalt. The City crew will complete this repair at the customer's expense.
  2. Boring: Road boring is completed by a private contractor hired by the customer when a road cannot be trenched (such as a State Highway).
  3. State Highways and Right of Way: The Nevada Department of Transportation requires an encroachment permit for any work adjacent to a State Highway. The City will obtain this permit on the customer's behalf. These permits take from 30 to 60 days to be issued by the State.
  4. Walker River Irrigation District: Any new water or sewer line that crosses or encroaches on Walker River Irrigation District property must receive written approval from the General Manager.
  5. Easements: If your new water or sewer line must cross private property to reach your property a Utility Easement must be aquired from the property owner.

Sewer Connections: 8-3-6

Connections to the City Sewer Collection System are required for new construction. The City will not allow septic tanks to be installed when the City Sewer Collection System is accessable. Preventing septic tank installation protects the aquifer from nitrates that can degrade water quality.

The customer is responsible for the connection from the home to the sewer main in the street. The customer (or the Licensed Contractor hired by the customer) must follow all construction requirements. This includes calling USA NORTH to have existing utilities marked. The street must be returned to original condition within 30 days from the start of work. A street cut permit must be obtained before work starts. This permit is available from City Hall. Public Works will approve the connection to the sewer main and photograph the work done.

Sewer lateral connections can be 4" or 6". The City will inspect and approve all connections to the system.